Esperanza Health Center’s News section is your go-to resource for the latest updates, stories, and insights from Esperanza. Here you can read up on the latest health tips, engaging stories, and the impact we’re creating together as a holistic health care center. You’re a part of our mission, and we want to keep you in the loop. Click on the links below to see what we’ve been up to.
October 2020 Updates
EHC Introduces Learning Pods for Children of Staff Members When Philadelphia’s public school district pivoted just prior to the start of the school year to virtual learning only due to COVID precautions, Esperanza realized that many parents among the staff, without...
September 2020 Updates
A Telehealth Testimony Earlier this year, as COVID-19 required Esperanza Health Center to transition to mostly telehealth remote patient visits, a family in distress was quickly comforted by their 12-month old child’s medical provider who came across an urgent...
August 2020 Updates
Health Centers Unite for National Health Center Week 2020Featured image showcasing the theme of this year's National Health Center Week: "Lighting the Way for Healthier Communities Today and in the Future."This month we were excited to celebrate and honor all of our...
July 2020 Updates
The Heart of Esperanza
Being out on the front lines of healthcare is a position of high responsibility that requires great faith.
Jesus Wept
Jesus wept, and so are we. Jesus wept because his friend, Lazarus, died and his sisters were grieving heavily. He wept because of their suffering. He shared their pain. We are weeping because of the suffering of our Esperanza Health Center patients, neighbors, staff,...
Support Esperanza’s Response to COVID-19
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”- Galatians 6:9 (ESV) We have always been thankful for the dedicated and talented group of people God has brought here to work at Esperanza Health Center—and now, that...
May 2020 Updates
As we continue to respond to thepandemic, we've made some changesand have begun new services so thatwe can better serve our partients andreach out to our community. We'regrateful for your continued supportand your prayers, which make all ofthis possible. Here's a...
April 2020 Updates
Thank you so much for your prayers for our entire Esperanza staff, as together we seek to love and serve our patients and those in our North Philadelphia community during this COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful for your support and for your prayers during this...
February 2020 Updates
Shaking Off the Winter Blues at EHC! In late January, nearly 100 community members and volunteers participated in our "Shaking Off the Winter Blues" community event at our Kensington health center site. Many different stations were available with fun activities for...
January 2020 Updates
One year ago this month,Esperanza's entire staff visited our Kensington health center siteas construction was underway (photos above), and wrote Bible verses and reflectionson the girders and walls. We're giving thanks to God for the provision of our new health...