What is a Patient-Centered Medical Home?

A patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is a coordinated, team approach to providing health care that is focused on you, the patient.

All three of Esperanza Health Center’s sites have been recognized as Level 3 Patient-Centered Medical Homes—the highest level of recognition—by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). As a Patient-Centered Medical Home, we are committed to improving your health, by providing high-quality, evidence-based care, support services and the resources you need.

Who is on my Esperanza Patient-Centered Medical Home team?

As an Esperanza patient, your care team may include physicians, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, dietitians, behavioral health consultants, social workers, health educators, medication dispensary technicians, and care coordinators.

What do I need to do as part of my Patient-Centered Medical Home team?

  • Keep us informed of any changes! Please let us know if your phone number, address, email, or insurance information has changed.
  • Provide us with your complete medical history and let us know about care you receive from other outside health care providers.
  • Please call us with any questions or to schedule an appointment, before you go to an Emergency Room or Urgent Care clinic.
  • Let us know if you have been in the hospital recently, and please call us as soon as you are released from the hospital.
  • Let us know of any changes in your medications after a hospital stay or from another health care provider.
  • Bring all your medications (or a list of all your medications) with you to appointments.

What role does Esperanza play?

We want to ensure that you are at the center of your health care! To do this, we will:

  • Help you to manage your healthcare, including chronic conditions such as diabetes.
  • Listen to your concerns and answer your health questions.
  • Encourage you to be actively involved in your health care and in prevention.
  • Coordinate the integrated care and services that you receive both within Esperanza Health Center and from other outside providers.
  • Provide equal access to all patients regardless of insurance status.
  • Help you to apply for insurance coverage if you do not have it.
  • Help new patients navigate getting their medical records transferred to our office.