Esperanza Health Center’s News section is your go-to resource for the latest updates, stories, and insights from Esperanza. Here you can read up on the latest health tips, engaging stories, and the impact we’re creating together as a holistic health care center. You’re a part of our mission, and we want to keep you in the loop. Click on the links below to see what we’ve been up to.
Senator Casey Secures $464,000 for Expansion of Esperanza Health Center’s North Fifth Street Site
Senator Bob Casey (middle) with Esperanza Health Center Staff at a press conference held on 8/19/2024 announcing federal funding. Photo by Abdul Sulayman/The Philadelphia Tribune.PRESS RELEASE Senator Casey Secures $464,000 for Expansion of Esperanza Health Center’s...
Esperanza Health Center Proudly Announces New Chief Medical Officer
Esperanza Health Center is excited to announce that its very own Timothy Leaman, MD has been named EHC’s new Chief Medical Officer, following the retirement of Bryan Hollinger, MD, MPH, who held the position for over 21 years. Dr. Leaman has served EHC for the past 20...
March 2021
March is National Nutrition Month and celebrates our excellent dietitians who have worked diligently throughout the pandemic. Here are some helpful nutrition tips shared by our team of dietitians in their National Nutrition Month newsletter.
November 2020
Esperanza means "hope." When the people who founded Esperanza Health Center chose our name over 31 years ago, they wanted to communicate hope to our patients and to our North Philadelphia community, where so many faced—and today continue to face—barriers to obtaining...
Esperanza Health Center Receives $4 Million from Pew Charitable Trusts to Expand Integrated Health and Wellness Services in Kensington
Esperanza Health Center (EHC), a faith-based federally-qualified health center (FQHC) serving the predominantly Latino and African American neighborhoods of North Philadelphia, was awarded a $4 million grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts (Pew) to support the...
CaptureRx Data Breach
CaptureRx Data Breach updated 06/03/2021 Esperanza Health Center was notified on April 6, 2021, that Capture Rx, a third party administrator that provides services to Esperanza regarding the 340B program which reduces prescription drug costs, experienced a data...
Launch of Esperanza Chronicles January 2021
As you may have noticed, today Esperanza Health Center officially launches our new and improved digital newsletter!
We are grateful for your support in the past and throughout all of 2020. This year we aspire to bring you stories that reflect hope, have great impact, and can bring a smile to your face.
Transparency in Coverage
This link leads to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable...
May 2021 Updates
COVID-19 Vaccine UpdateEsperanza Health Center is thankful for the efforts of our entire staff and particularly our vaccination team, as we continue to administer COVID-19 vaccines to our patients, members of our community and our staff. We are also grateful for the...
December 2020
This Christmas we celebrate the birth of our Savior, and the many ways Esperanza Health Center has been blessed in 2020. Those blessings have come through you – our friends, staff, patients, and supporters—whose faithfulness inspire us onward in this work. Our challenges this year were great, but your caring and support have been greater. For this, we truly celebrate Christmas and the reminder of hope it brings.