July 2020 Updates

July 2020 Updates

The Heart of Esperanza   Being out on the front lines of healthcare can be an exhausting, fast-paced and worrisome experience at times. It is a position of high responsibility that requires great faith. With the invasion of COVID-19 in the lives of many, we have...
Jesus Wept

Jesus Wept

Jesus wept, and so are we. Jesus wept because his friend, Lazarus, died and his sisters were grieving heavily. He wept because of their suffering. He shared their pain. We are weeping because of the suffering of our Esperanza Health Center patients, neighbors, staff,...
Support Esperanza’s Response to COVID-19

Support Esperanza’s Response to COVID-19

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”- Galatians 6:9 (ESV) We have always been thankful for the dedicated and talented group of people God has brought here to work at Esperanza Health Center—and now, that...