YOUR GENEROSITY MAKES A DIFFERENCE! Your gift to Esperanza Health Center provides compassionate, quality care to those who need it most, and enables us to promote health and wellness in our North Philadelphia community.


  • CADA MADRE: Ev ery mother deserves the right to high-quality prenatal care, to give birth with dignity, and to have what she needs to take care of her baby. Your gift to the Cada Madre Fund will provide much-needed baby supplies – including car seats, strollers, breast pumps, diapers/wipes, and other essential items – for mothers without health insurance and their newborns.
  • WHERE NEEDED MOST: Your gift will be utilized where needed.
  • DIACONAL FUND: Your gift will provide medical specialty tests, labs, and needed medical equipment for our uninsured patients.
  • EBENEZER FUND: Your gift will provide emergency assistance for vulnerable patients, such as transportation for medical care, emergency utility assistance, infant car seats and other vital needs.


  • BY CHECK: Please mail your check, payable to “Esperanza Health Center” to: Esperanza Health Center, Attn: Development, 4417 N. 6th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140-2319.
  • GIFT OF APPRECIATED STOCK: Shares of appreciated stock can be donated to Esperanza without either party paying capital gains on those shares. In addition, you will be able to write off the full current value of these shares, and Esperanza does not pay capital gains tax when we sell the appreciated share. Please contact Ted Voboril, Development Director at or (215) 807-8614.
  • COMPANY MATCHING GIFT: Many companies and organizations will match their employees’ charitable contributions up to 100% — contact your HR department to find out more.
  • UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN: Esperanza’s United Way Donor Choice number for the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey is 9791.